Biophilic designs have been the talk of town in the recent times, fancy word we know. Biophilia means love of nature, The idea of this is to infuse the nature with design. It realizes the natures ability that it helps improve our mental and physical health. It makes us feel restored and relaxed which is exactly what we need at home.

As the name suggests it includes the elements of nature, for instance plants, the sound of water and the feel of fresh air with in the house. Along with that it is also about using natural materials, textures, color pallets, patterns, lighting and energy things what give out the feeling of nature- something we can feel and connect to. Do you get what we mean?

Rather than just building houses or properties, this design focuses more on the people living in them. It sounds innovative and you might be thinking that you can incorporate this into your new house, no you don’t have to redesign your house to make it biophilic. In fact, biophilic design is seen in plenty of houses without the owners even realizing it.

Here are some ways you can bring biophilic design into your homes

Natural light:

Natural light is a very important factor when creating biophilic spaces. It can be created through windows and doors. To maximize the natural light, try to reposition anything that is blocking the full potential of light, be it furniture, curtains or anything.
If you’re planning to design a new home keep in mind that the window position is crucial, it impacts the heating, cooling and ventilation. The more natural light there is, there will be a stable energy flow with would directly impact your mood.

Natural Materials:

Be mindful of choosing materials when thinking of biophilic design for your house, always opt for organic and natural materials like bamboo, wood, stone, cork, timber etc. These materials are minimally processed and they add a classic finish to your walls and floors. They can be implemented through walls, doors, floors, furniture home décor anything literally.

Fresh air and Plants:

These are a given, a natural space is incomplete without air and plants, open the windows when you can and let the air into your home and your mind both. The sound of birds and wind and the smell of mud when it rains or the cold nights will make your mood better and improve your immune system.

As for plants, how many plants are too many plants? We just can’t get enough of them. Plants are proven to improve our mental state and sense of wellbeing and they are an instant mood lifter. You can add plants in pots, plants hanging from the windows or ceilings (bales) as you might call it and you can put them on the kitchen windows.



Colors in nature occur in profusion. Each new season brings new and beautiful colors, use them all. Anything that reminds you of a good and positive experience, makes you happy and makes your mood better. You can use paintings of landscapes, you can paint your walls, or use wallpapers or wall murals. Each color has its own mood. Some colors to consider are  soft greens, light blues, yellow, shades of brown, pinks, orange, cream and many more.

Somewhere between urban areas and huge buildings and city life we got disconnected from nature. By incorporating biophilic designs into your home your can create a nature inspired and relaxed environment. These environments promote productivity while reducing stress and anxiety levels, it also helps restore your energy. Also, you don’t have to change everything all at once. You can take baby steps start small and start with your favorite space and then slowly integrate these steps in to other areas as well.

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